Growing up under the affection of my parents and grandparents made me a witness to their almost daily manifestation of unselfishness in approaching life. These were not occasional impulses of charity; these were the works of relentlessly devoted hearts. Cultivating and embracing that fullness and richness of their spirit helped me to understand my place in this world - a conviction passed on to me from my parents who always believed that with persistent practice of heartfelt charity, we can reach out to the less fortunate and change their world, significantly. 

My desire to do something to help destitute women and children was always there and I have been working on the concept of Umbrelă for quite a while. Finally, the idea of Umbrelă took root in the year 2019, and as it grew into something real and filled with meaning, I began to think of it as my third child. Though it's still in its relative infancy, as we embark on our journey, we intend to grow long-lasting and meaningful partnerships that will allow us to invest donor funds to achieve positive and sustainable outcomes. Our Board of Trustees and the operational team is made up of successful professional men and women of integrity from all walks of life who are desirous to positively affect a life.

Umbrelă’s philosophy embraces the belief that the ordinary individual can make an extraordinary difference by uniting with others that share the same values. We help corporate bodies and philanthropists to actualize their dreams of giving hope to the poor and needy in society. We believe people who are less fortunate than us, who are struggling in deprived conditions, who are without a viable social support system in building their own future, have a basic right to life and when you touch such a soul through your support or donation, the love of the All-Mighty God is manifested. By choosing to support us, you will not only be restoring hope to a lost soul but you will also be fulfilling a cardinal commitment you have to the Creator.

My own commitment to Umbrelă, to a great extent, is personal. I believe charity changes not just the lives of the people on the receiving end, but also on the giving end. I have been fortunate to have a loving family, a wonderful circle of friends, a dedicated team and above all, some caring people who have supported this effort tirelessly and will hopefully continue to strive forward in the years to come.

Umbrelă was born to fulfill a destiny, a destiny which I am determined to see to completion. May we all be blessed in our efforts to help those less fortunate and to improve the quality of life for everyone.


Love, Light & Hope

Atika Haque
Founder & CEO
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